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This page highlights projects completed and on-going projects within PJMD. For a comprehensive list and additional details of projects, please visit the Past Projects Tab.

Small Business Grants

Buesiness Awarded in 2022:

Businesses Awarded in 2021:

1. Spark K-9
​2. Tagawa Gardens
3. Arapahoe Rescue Patrol, Inc.

Businesses Awarded in 2020:
1. SECOR Cares
2. BAI Engineers

Parker Jordan Centennial Open Space (PJCOS)/Conservation Trust Funds (CTF) - 2019
PJMD receives Conservation Trust Funds from the Colorado Lottery, which have strict usage requirements and can only be used for towards open space maintenance and capital projects. PJMD is considering a partnership with the City of Centennial within PJCOS for projects eligible for use of Conservation Trust Funds.  Please review the city’s proposed projects (here).

Parker Jordan Centennial Open Space (PJCOS)

Effective January 1, 2018 the District transferred its 50% ownership in PJCOS to the City of Centennial.  The  City is now the 100% owner of PJCOS.  The Board decided they wanted to reduce their ongoing maintenance costs, reduce the mill levy and pay off outstanding debt as soon as possible.  The City had been an excellent partner with the District since 2010 and the Board was pleased that the City would accept this total responsibility.

PJCOS will remain in its current condition as natural open space for a minimum of 40 years through a deed restriction agreed upon with the City.  The District and City also entered into a revised IGA which establishes the current allowed uses on the property. These documents are below:


Arapahoe County strives to work regionally on its Open Space endeavors. In February 2009, the first meeting of the new Cherry Creek Basin Working Group took place. This group, made of more than 15 municipalities and organizations in Arapahoe, Denver and Douglas Counties, are working together to better serve the open space, park and trail needs of the Cherry Creek Watershed.  The photo shown above was taken during a visit to the Cherry Creek Valley Ecological Park in 2009.

The Group's goal is to conserve and protect our Cherry Creek Basin Watershed’s remarkable places by completing trails, preserving open space, and enhancing parks and recreation for public enjoyment.

In 2012 the CCGWB received a $70,000 grant from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife State Trails Program to construct one mile and one half mile trail markers along the Cherry Creek Regional Trail.  PJMD is coordinating the five markers within the District.

The Cherry Creek Basin Working Group

Chronology of Cooperative Projects
with Arapahoe County and other government entities 1988-2018 provides additional project information and can be viewed online, printed or saved in PDF format.

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